What I Did?

Assalamualaikum and have have a blast New Year to all beloved people!
Hi and here meet the strange and beautifully wonderful Nabila that always have known as Bumi and the optimistery of herself.

I tried to hold on but the obstacle wouldn't let me to. The more I slide aside, the more I tangle it down, the more it wants to get by me. The choices I have shows me where to led, and the choose I made that courses to its cure. Just to let you understand. I also failed many times in this life, and attempt not to bleed my own heart but it seems I cannot parry the smokes to gets in my eyes right before. I cannot let it close since I'm on a drive to keep the road on track so that I will remain to stay in the lane and not causes any trouble to others. Lots of thoughts, lots of things. Hard enough on trying having a normal life by carrying the crazy things you thought that will not be bothered you any longer in this world for the people that loved you with their full heart.  

For one reason, I thankful the origin for what I've been feeling right now. It opens another angle of a way to see the different meaning of a view. It swept away all difficulties, and bad situations and alter to the good minds too. 

What a great year I have started in and out.
I never thoughts that I can handle this pretty turbulent me on donning something beyond me, myself and I. Yes. I did it and succeed shout out loud!  The first thing that I could not let it done I thought, in my mind for that particular point. It is all because it's already have been gone through by years. I have no idea where the strength came. Totally out of my mind. Intensely, I am so happy like there is no perfect imagination to designed it out. All my thoughts had thoughts me that it would not be going to be like this. Much happiness! I feel the freedom in wisdom! Let me call it like that. I still want to feel it anyway.

A year is build up by a year.
A year will have come to years.

Such a relief! It is always the opportunity to open the great gates and other great ones more! 
Heart to heart. I heart it!

Years went trough by a year.
Years has gained by a year.

Whoa! I am using this exclamation mark symbols '!' more right now, like in every sentence. Arhahha! I do not know how to explain this happiness in me. Alhamdulillah. Great things come and it's happening! Pray for the better and He sure will help us to solve all the struggles that we have been through. It is all His.

The survivor is me. Syukran, I can alleviate it. For the guidance, you let me, thank you. 

How beautiful does He is for making me feel it this way? Only because He is the reason of all beauty. Beautiful! 

Let me know. Whether it is right or wrong. I love to understand better. Let's make it ameliorate.

Starting a few months ago, this song really makes me feel something to no matter what things I do, the path I go through, the choice I take and more.

For some reasons, for this tranquil night, sleeping baby morning and the soothing thoughts songs that gently fill in inside me. I can explain the companion and the complication complaint out the thoughts myself by living in this beautiful life. What a wonderful world~ (I sing it right straight this line). Always be thankful for the life you live in no matter what happen.


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