
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. beautiful people. 

As I posted the post of Mind, some people are might surmise be misunderstood. That is why "It is very hard to trace the effect of words on a life".  

I had pointed up that little changes and make bangs. Truth to be told. The beneficial is for your own self. People who came use are not worth for the attendance, are never I thought in me. But I do gladly for those who tried hard not making others involve in their problem too. Do what you are comfortable to do first instead of others in some kind of things. Change for yourself. Okay, to make it clear for some of you. The example is if you are the people who like to take care of frivolous my endorsements for you (and do myself too) are should to decreasing it. 

The useless trivial matters that are not helpful and unproductive can be things you do every single day such as you are doing unimportant work first rather than the important and urgent ones. The most simple examples are the thought of your mind. The idea I veracious on this to accessible augment the progress of your mind more currently and continuously thinks about. It appears how ceaseless, positively the mind-minded up to. 

On articulations about this matters, I would like to take and extra time by giving the better words. Happy making all of you not facing trouble by reading and comprehend what I am trying to explain by communicating within words. Thankfully some of you understand what I peel on. You may look it as simple, but some of you are also trying so hard to assimilate this. I sure every person is born in the different level of IQ. Summing assumptions that are not relevant to believe can make them (including you) gone to pieces. I will maximize as possible the great side that can be more enthusiasm and openness on made some things done artistically. 

And conveying the said commission is nice to talk to the universal. It is very encouraging to develop a great mind to think on something useful and helpful. This is what I pursued to tell about the way of thinking on having 'girl soul'. Nevertheless, I am not making a declaration either the way of girl and guy thinking on who is better. The differences emerge are people who belong in introvert, extrovert or ambivert. An ambivert is those who high possess features both in introvert and extrovert. This could drive you to miserable when you do not know what are introvert, extrovert and ambivert because the mind is engaged by different process methods. For that reason do delight the self by thrilling this three personalities. However, there is no accuracy on personalities, I found the mind just settle up to be sent like that. 

Verdict, my words could end up in different interpretations by beautiful people. I also do like people who interpreted in intangible and tangible style. I am not saying I am either introvert, extrovert or ambivert. I let this to be a little time by making this as a question mark to curious on to find. Our intelligence intelligently showing. This has been professionally seen that how we are beautiful in its. You who successfully manage to get what I meant, I think up that I like you up it a bit more. I do, do love. (Too shy to say that this the way of me writing that you)

I love and respect the different that we have, and do appreciate and care we have in common. 

People die,
Beauty physical could too,
The only beautiful heart doesn't.
Mental must be preserve,
Known as it shown in the heart eyes. 

People are beautiful as the beauty in them. 

Wildly mild in love in every beautiful are the beauty I love. I do soundly in silent love and silently sound in love. This is a kind of beautiful language. Our brain must be trained by mind up that think wide and wise, brings lead to be and be more beautiful. Beauty in see everything, beautiful be living. Believe beautiful people still live. <3 

Original post: 2nd Oktober 2015


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