Good Will

Assalamualaukim w.b.t to Muslims and aloha for non-Muslims. May we have a beautiful day everyone.

Does it tough to stick thinking positive twenty-four hours per seven days in a week? 
All you have to do is to keep your mind sharpen and thinking that it is a must thing to do. Then, it will be easier for you to stay positive. Don't mind or bother yourself by surrounding with people who like to shrink you down. Whenever you smell's something cache, automatically you must start access your mind thinking that he or she is trying to make you become stronger than you were before even though you know they just want to see how far is your mind setting, perhaps. Sometimes, they just doing that to see how far we can adapt and balancing ourselves with situations. You have to make it simple for the thing that you though it is complicated. Make sure you do accept people just who they are. You can bear and deal with the things that you got used to. Ignore the side that you do not want yourself to be stuck on. Sometimes you must forcing yourselves to become who and what you haunted more often if you really amaze with it. Being lazy does not place you in the way you wanted to. I always reminded to my own self that with sacrifices, I will achieve where I being wants to be. So, look up! We needed to be scanned, refresh and updated with new minded too. Aha, we need to do it together to perform better. 

I had seen that people who are positiveness are the one who have high barriers surrounding themselves. It is because, they are tired to lay on with allegations that destroy the soul. On behalf of the motivation of their conscience, they rise up again. Some people who loved to use feeling, they attack and being attacked to get what they wanted to. I though the incident that happen make them understand each other more often. I used to forget. Now, I will always remember. Sooner or later someone will tell you sincerity about something they wanted you to know, understood, and acceptable with. The ones who do not like you to be blooming will give a talk or hint that makes you have a negative thinking on losing your self-esteem so that, what they think is it will going to failure you at the end. Do not allow that to be happen. Let them be, do not let any feeling that can destroy you in future. "If they can do that to me, why can't I?" this sentences can shows you the way to be bad or good. You are the only one who is authorized your own self and going to describes something and chooses what you want for yourself to be. And most important is to do not welcome the ego with it.  We must have to be great. Yes! be great. Always believe that there have something about you that are great too. Let's be delightful blooming and rising. 

At any situation and position, I do remind my mind with quotes which one of them is by Winston Churchill that says "I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being tough". I know that it is tough to maintain positive but, it is a must. You have to do it. Possibly, you will do mistakes but it is okay. Improvement comes after it. At first, yes you will found it is quite hard, but eventually, it will end up so well and a lot easier because we are already the positiveness itself (am I too fantasy or what..hihi) We will be the great persoFn. The great person is us. Bloom, bloom and... Blooming! Do not be scared because you are doing nothing wrong when you got judges or criticism. Everybody got that. The different is only either they do not want to let others know about their personality truly. They just keep on maintaining looks balancing so that they would not get a head shot. 

There are a lot of songs, words and others where we can found that it quite similar to relate with those people who have done to make others get motivation about them or from their experience (base from my experiment). I though people thinking that I am an annoying person before I change my thought from negative to positive. The negative thinking has begun starting 2*** after something happen to me like it is very eerie and unnerving. Actually, it was not even like that at all, maybe I was too aggressive or hyper like kids(Mm-hm?). It is good to think positive periodic. It is a huge different thing changing my life into a good and a better life in spite of a small thought. Let us try our best making "tough" and "difficult" seems to be as a small matter thing to deal with in this life. Be living in positiveness. Again, blooming and rising up! P/s, I realise I am better together with Positive. So, why do not you? *If you are a negative thinker. 

People who inspired me like a lot, increases. They lighted me up. Glad I get improved especially by environments, people, things and etc. For me, you can ignore the ones who do and say bad about you but important to bring along the ones that take you to the higher stage and include lovely god according to your race and who or what do you believe. When I feel uncomfortable with myself about anything likes when the work that must be borne by me felt burdensome. I continuously use songs to makes me gain efforts to myself continually motivate when I spoke to my own self where there is a time that no one is by my side. This brain is so beautiful to be able to imagine beyond boundaries. It is all in your head. I love to listen, talk and share any kind of topics or anything. Only we can help ourselves but without putting on the reason of surrounding, does it possible to change ourselves? Bear the mind that without activating the'surrounding' you would not able to know where you can start to changing your thinking and what to thinking about. When mention about surrounding, it have two sides whether negative or positive. When you found its energy is negative make it as your reason for you to be a positive thinker spread it to others to be positive too and if its energy is positive you can stick and upgrade the mind thinker. Possibly we are just the same. This could be too fast, but perhaps you can help me and maybe I am a helper to you. I always believe that too because there is none of this world without help mainly especially Allah SWT. Let me know if you have blog or others, I would pleasure myself to follow you. Lots of great things happened and will happen more. Just blow the mind be positive. 

I do like really do express it by songs either with good or bad lyrics, especially towards dear 'Positiveness' and my ex 'Negativeness'. Katrina Sandra Huguet (Kat Dahlia or Kat Hue) song is one of my favourites. I do not know about you. But, you can give it a try too. 



*Pictures: Google 
* Videos: YouTube 


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